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Treatment Cost

Prostate Cancer Surgery

  • The estimatedcost of Prostate CancerSurgery in India is USD 4900 to USD 5500.
  • The cost of treatment varies with medical condition and procedure chosen.
  • Patient has to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days and 14 days outside the hospital.
  • Tests required to diagnose Prostate Cancer include Digital Rectal Exam (DRE), Prostate-Specific Antigen(PSA) test, Ultrasound and MRI Fusion.

Treatment Cost

Prostate Cancer-Surgical Price
USD 4,900
( 365,246 Indian Rupee )
No. of Travellers
Days in Hospital
Days Outside Hospital
Total days in India

More About Treatment

Types of Prostate Cancer

  • Localized cancer –contained within the prostate
  • Locally advanced cancer
  • Recurrent cancer comes back after previous treatment
  • Metastatic cancer – when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

Clickhereto know aboutProstate Cancer

Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer

  • Age– the chances of having prostate cancer increase with advancing age.
  • Ethnicity- Black men more likely to get prostate cancer.
  • Family history– having a first degree relative with prostate cancer increases the risk.
  • Diet, obesity are also important contributing factors.
Signs and Symptoms

Clinically the patient presents with symptoms of:

  • Urination troubles like frequent urging, difficulty in commencing urination, blood in urine
  • Excess level of PSA (protein specific antigen) in blood
  • Bone fractures seen in metastatic cases of cancer prostate
  • There may be urinary /fecal incontinence in advanced cases

Tests and Diagnosis

  • Medical health history of the patient taken into account
  • Prostate cancer is commonly detected by PSA (prostate specific antigen) test of blood
  • DRE– Digital Rectal Examination and Trans rectal ultrasound also performed which aid diagnosis
  • Biopsy is usually performed to confirm diagnosis
  • To determine the stage of cancer, imaging studies like bone CT scan or MRI scan


  • Depends on the spread of cancer in the prostate gland
  • In early stages the aim of treatment is cure
  • In advanced stages the aim is to expand life and relieve symptoms
  • Health and age of patient

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Active Surveillance

Screening at regular intervals to closely monitor the state of patients prostate, without immediate treatment.


The main benefit of surgery is the prostate with the cancer is removed .

Prostatectomy: Usually performed for:

  • Clinically Localized cancer.
  • If age young and fast growing tumor.
  • Herethe surgeon removes the entire prostate gland and may remove surrounding tissues, lymph nodes and the seminal vesicles.
  • Taking out lymph node reduces the risk of cancer recurrence.
  • It may be performed laparoscopic ally or by open approach.
After Surgery

  • Monitoring in recovery
  • Drain put for excess fluids
  • Catheter put in
  • Stocking and pumps to reduce the risk of clot formation
  • In 7-10 days cystogram performed and catheter removed
  • Within2-4 weeks return to normal activities
  • Medication given to help erection

Clickhereto know about procedures involved in Prostate Cancer Treatment

Risks associated with surgery

  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Damage to nearby organs
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Urinary incontinence

This therapy uses high energy beams of X- rays to treat prostate cancer by damaging the cells. It is useful in cases when:

  • When cancer is low grade and limited locally to the prostate
  • As treatment of choice along with hormonal therapy for cancer that has grown into surrounding tissue
  • For cancer that recurs
  • For metatstatic advanced cancers for palliative relief
Types ofRadiation Therapy

  • Brachytherapy– also called seed implantation, herein small radioactive pellets are placed on prostateand they give off their radiation at low dose over several weeks or months.
  • External Beam Radiation also known as EBRTin which beams are focused on prostate from outside the body.
After Effects of Radiation

  • Bowel problems– diarrhoea, blood in stool
  • Urinary symptoms– radiation cystitis, urinary incontinence
  • Erection problems
  • Fatigue
  • Lymphedema
Hormonal Therapy

  • Does not cure, it’s a temporary therapyand just slows the cancer growth or used as palliative therapy in metatstatic cases.
  • It aims to decrease production or block action of hormone, which leads to destroyed prostate cancer cells and shrunk prostate tumor.
  • Hormone therapy can be given alone or combination with other treatment.
Types of Hormone Therapy

  • Orchiectomy: Surgical removal of testicles.
  • Drug therapy: block signal from brain thus lower hormone, effects may be reversible.
    • LH-RH Analogue therapy- blocks the production of hormone.
    • Anti Androgen Therapy- blocks action of hormoneused before LHRH therapy to prevent androgen flare.
After Effectsof Hormonal Therapy

  • Hot flushes
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Decreased ability to have erections
  • Fatigue
  • Decresed muscle strength
  • Can cause bone thinning
  • Can lead to dyslipidaemia

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Factors Affecting Cost of Prostate Cancer Surgery

The cost to the patient depends on a variety of factors like:

  • The hospital, the patient chooses
  • Room– Standard single room, deluxe room, super deluxe room for the number of nights specified (including nursing fee, meals, room rateand room service)
  • Fee for the team of doctors
  • Medicines
  • Standard tests and diagnostic procedures
  • Type of surgery performed
  • Cost of Radiation /Hormone therapy
  • Cost of the follow–up care required after the procedure


Q:What is the approximate prostrate cancer treatment cost in India?
A: TheProstate CancerSurgery cost in India is USD 4900 to USD 5500.It depends on other factors too such asnumber of travelers, origin country of travel, and number of days that will be spent in India.

Q: Where is prostate gland and what are its functions?
A: Prostate is a large gland between the urethra and the bladder,functions to produce fluid thatkeeps the sperm healthy and aids fertilization.

Q:What is PSA?
A: Protein Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of prostate gland, their levels help to identify prostate disorders.

Q:What is the meaning of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?
A: It’s a condition wherein there is an overgrowth of prostate tissue that pushes against urethra and bladder. It’s a non cancerous condition.

Q: Can I prevent Prostate Cancer?
A: There is no certain way to prevent prostate cancer, however by having a healthy lifestyle and regular exercising reduces the risk of developing it.

Q: What are the uses of hormone therapy in Prostate Cancer?
A: Hormone therapy is used:

  • When the patient cannot go in for surgery
  • Before radiation or surgery to optimize results of treatment
  • After radiation or surgery
  • Advanced metastatic cancer decreases complications and prolongs survival

Q: How many radiation treatments are needed for prostate cancer patient?
A:Radiation is approximately given 5 days a weekfor 4-8 weeks, the total dose of radiation depends on the size of prostate,general health.

Q: What is the prognosis of Prostate Cancer?
A: Prostate cancer is one of the common cancer affecting men, it is treatable if diagnosed before metastasis, regular screening is important in diagnosing early.

Q:What is Gleason Score?
A: It’s a system of grading prostate cancer tissue, ranges from 2-10 indicating how likely a tumor will spread. A low Gleason score means cancer tissue similar to normal prostate tissue and its less likely to spread, however a high Gleason score indicates tumor is more likely to spread.

Q: How will I understand that my treatment is working positively?
A: Regular Monitoring of PSA is an indicator marker how the treatment is responding.

Q: Can Prostate Cancer recur?
A: Like any other cancer ittoo can recur, requires regular screening by performing PSA (prostate specific antigen) and other diagnostic tests.

Q:What is Incontinence?
A: Incontinence means the inability to control urine, it’s a common side effect of prostate cancer surgery.Different types of incontinence:

  • Stress Incontinence– urine leakage when coughing, sneezing etc
  • Urge Incontinence– is sudden urge to go to washroom even when bladder is not full
  • Mixed Incontinence– its combination of stress and urge incontinence
  • ContinuousIncontinence– inability to control urine at any time

Q: What is Erectile Dysfunction?
A: Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have an erection, nerves which control the blood flow to penis are damaged by treatment of prostate cancer radiation / surgery as they surround the prostate gland.

Q:Is there a warning sign which may signify recurrence of cancer?
A: The first and foremost sign will be a rise in PSA level in blood.